This blog is dedicated to my hard working husband. Here is a candid shot I took of him on his way home from work at Intel. You can see my shadow in the picture. Don't know how he didn't see me standing there. Again, it must be the focus thing. He's so excited to be getting home to his family that he just can't think of anything else. The kids are equally excited to see him when he gets home. I've also posted what a typical greeting from the kids looks like when he walks through the door. Just recently he took a trip to Boston and I was home with them by myself for a week. During his absence I realized why they get so excited when he gets home. He is way cooler and way more fun than I am.
I'm ashamed to admit that before he left I was actually kind of excited to have the week to myself. I wouldn't have to cook because we could have mac & cheese or cereal for dinner every night. I would be less distracted and therefore able to get more done. I had all these grand visions of a spotless house, tons of reading being done and the children quietly tucked into bed and sound asleep by 8:30. Since he was gone over a weekend, I also pictured myself taking them out on fun outings, bike rides, etc.. Imagine my disappointment when he got back and I had absolutely nothing to show for it.
It's good that he leaves me every once in a while. It gives me a chance to let reality soak in. I do not function well without him. And here all this time I thought that I was the fun responsible one. Not that I'm saying things would be peaches and cream for him if I left him in charge for a week. But we are definitely a team with different rolls to play. It's kind of like how a quarter back can't function without a receiver. He can always run the ball or hand it off but throwing it is way more efficient.
1 comment:
Your husband is a dork and I love it. I wish we could hang out with you and maybe he would rub off on Jake. Jake would never pose for a goofy picture. He doesn't understand that one of my favorite things in this world is posing ridiculously. I have dozens of pictures from high school (many including you or Amy or Marianne or Jen) and he shakes his head when he see's them, glad that I've outgrown that. He doesn't know that I'm secretly, silently, slowly waiting to convert him.
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