Saturday was my
doggie's birthday. He turned one year old. Did you know that you can buy
doggie birthday cakes at Super Target in the ice cream section? Poor Captain got no such thing. And that has nothing to do with Super Target proximity now that you can see it from my kitchen window. There was plenty of partying going on due to Sydney's baptism, Halloween, and the
BYU football game at
CSU (more to come on those later) but Captain had to stay in the backyard for most, if not all of it. As I like to say: "
Poooor Dogggggie." So, as a birthday tribute, I am going to write a biography of his first year of life. The events will be listed in chronological order.
1. December 25, 2007 Captain came to live with us. He must have been a little shaken up from all the noise. Brooklyn had not stopped crying from having a stocking holder fall on her head. We would have waited for her to calm down but he was getting a little impatient inside that big box. So out he came and most of the kids were so excited. Even Brooklyn's shrieks grew instantly quieter so you know it must have really been something. Bryton was a little bit in shock but Sydney without hesitation picked him up and started running around saying, "I love him! I love him!"
2. Captain went on his first ski trip. Cousin Keaton came along to baby/dog sit.
3. Captain ate an entire 5 lb. bag of chocolate chips. Since chocolate is lethal to dogs, our neighbor who is a veterinarian gave him an I.V. to try to help flush it out of him. He was badly shaken but pulled out of it.
4. Captain ate rat poison. He was rushed to the animal hospital and had to stay there for 2 days. The vet was very concerned because of all rat poisons, this was the most lethal. Somehow he pulled through. Again.
5. Captain ate a pan of homemade brownies. Kathleen panicked and poured hydrogen peroxide down his throat to try to make him throw up. She later learned that it needs to be diluted so she poured water down his throat as an after thought in order to dilute it in his stomach. Captain pulled through. He is now 3 for 3.
6. Captain went on a trip to Lake McConaghey and was in doggie heaven.
7. Captain ate a red ink pen on our brand new carpet. The carpet turned red and had to be replaced. 4 for 4.
As you can see he is a very active doggie with a dual personality. Half of his personality has a death wish. The other half has a strong will to live. You know the saying, "What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger." At this rate, he ought to live a very long time. At least we hope he does because in between all those big disasters and the small ones that I didn't mention he has been the perfect companion. Bryton finally has someone to rough house with and share a bedroom with. Whitney has a friend to play with while all of her siblings are in school. I have a walking/jogging/biking companion. John has been training him and some day, if he ever gets a spare minute, hopes to take him bird hunting. Sydney and Brooklyn love to take him out on walks. And he makes a very soft, warm pillow to watch T.V. with.
So yes, he's been a handful, but he's been worth every minute of it. Good boy, Captain! Good boy! (We haven't taught him "happy birthday" yet.)